Thursday, August 21, 2008

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Thursday, May 8, 2008

One of my favorite video, got some good message behind it

Monday, April 28, 2008

Running website

Yes!! finally my website is done. The purpose of this website is for school work and also for my own, to show some artwork and photo's that i havent uploaded to my blog and deviant art...oh and i also got a flickr account now at

and for my website

so please check them up and email me sometime if you want

Sunday, April 20, 2008


Nikita and Cory Graduation


Thursday, April 17, 2008

After awhile, 35mm got developed allready

Hi, been so long since i write anything here. I just got an LC-A+RL for my b'day, and finished 2 rolls in 2 days. So I decided to develop all my 35mm film. So here are some of my favorites

Nikon F4

Nikon F4



There are more on my deviant art Http:// or Flickr at

Sorry for the bad quality, kinda lazy to scan it

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Homeless for 3 nights

1pm-ish , watching anime infront of my iMac before going to bed. felt a strong wind came from my entrance door, then BOOMMM!!!! all my window's cracked and my sliding door broke. (i thought it was a plane or a helicopter crashed down not far from my place, like 911 stuff, sounded like an airplane came then the explotion noise). looked outside, started to panic, saw smoke then fire. Called my friend to meet downstair, still in panic, try to find my stupid passport, which i couldn't find it anywhere (it was in my camera bag after all) so i grabbed my EXPIRED passport , then my pocket camera, wallet and handphone. went trhough the emergency stairs, there it was, fire from nando's chicken. Window got blown away from the frame, shattered glass. then it became a crime scene, and that's why i couldnt go home to get clothes and everything, felt icky disgusted and homeles. Thank god my friend was there, gave me a sofa to sleep on.
i live on the 4th floor, i thing i can see my place on the pic a bit, covered up by smoke and the tree branches. very close to the shop